Scpirt provide you an oportunity to add needed fields from BambooHR service to database
If you ever needed local database or automate data usage from BambooHR service, you can use this script for you needs. Parse though all of your data on BambooHR.
Also you can pin this link for fast access: BambooHR Parser
pip install -r requirements.txt
def available_fields():
class EmployeeData(Base):
def bamboo_parse():
def write_session(emp):
write_list = [{'id': i[0],
'name': i[1],
'department': i[2],
'jobTitle': i[3],
'email': i[4],
'mobilePhone': i[5]
'MY_NEW_FIELD': i[6] } for i in list(connection.execute('select * from employee_data'))]